About The Department

The Department of Business Management was started in the year 1994 as a self-financing course to take advantage of the policy changes in the higher education sector. The two year MBA program is affiliated to Osmania University. It is spread over four semesters and is structured to give both theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the students. The Department currently runs two sections with an annual intake of 120 students and is the largest post graduate department in the college.

From its early days, the Department of Business Management of Kasturba Gandhi College for Women earned a reputation as a destination of affordable quality education. The striking features of the department are its ability to adapt to change and nurture excellence. The Department provides an environment of open and free exchange of ideas and information among colleagues, between students and teachers and among students themselves.

The Department strives to provide an educational experience to students to develop a liberal mindset, and equip them with necessary knowledge and skills to have a truly global perspective. To achieve these outcomes the department’s objectives are:

  • To strive for excellence in learning, teaching and research.
  • To prepare the students to be productive, enlightened and engaged citizens

To achieve these objectives the members of the faculty adopt a wide array of instructional methods. Classroom presentations, role plays, case analysis, group discussions are used to kindle curiosity and sharpen the needed managerial abilities. The department focuses on:

  • Providing breadth and depth of knowledge: A learning environment is created to stimulate intellectual curiosity and academic excellence to help the students become lifelong learners.
  • Critical thinking: The lectures are designed to develop a strong logical argument. An environment of free thinking is created, encouraging students to question and think independently about an issue.
  • Collaboration: Encouraging coordination and collaboration among people is a cornerstone of the training imparted to the students. The idea is to help students to understand the importance of the human side of the business. Professional trainers' support is enlisted for this purpose.
  • Career planning and guidance: A major initiative of the department, the students are frequently exposed to career opportunities in different sectors like financial services, banking, IT & ITES, Pharmaceuticals etc., A student skill assessment test is conducted in association with outside consultants.

The Department strongly believes that education is not to secure a job alone but to understand the world around us.

Objectives Of The Department

  • To equip students to make effective contributions to economy and society
  • To strive for excellence in learning, teaching and research